Feasibility study for Development of Wellness Medi Spa & Beauty Clinic
Tenders are invited from Eligible agencies for development of a new Wellness & Cosmetology Studio from specialized consultancy firms with experience in providing advisory/consultancy services for Wellness & Cosmetology clinics. The consultancy firm will undertake a feasibility study and suggest a suitable business model for the proposed Wellness & Cosmetology Studio near the new CIAL Golf Course project at Cochin International Airport. If the project is found to be feasible and subject to approval from the Board of Directors of CIAL, the same agency may be engaged as a transaction advisory to identify a reputed company in the cosmetology field from India or abroad to operate the Wellness & Cosmetology Studio on mutually acceptable terms.
date of Tender
Last Date & Time
For Receipt of Bid in CIAL
Date and Time of Opening the Bid
10.05.2024, 1500 HRS
10.05.2024, 1530 HRS
- Scope of Work
The scope of work for the Successful consultant/firm involves the following steps
- Business & Operational Model
The consultant shall assess the Business potential in Cochin and propose a Business model for the airport. The consultant shall also propose an operational model to be followed for the project.
- Financial Feasibility
The consultant shall undertake a feasibility study of the project based on the industry norms and the projected scope in a city like Cochin.
- Transaction Advisory
This part shall be optional for CIAL. Based on the feasibility report of the consultant, if CIAL decides to proceed with the project, the consultant may be engaged as a transaction advisory to identify a suitable partner to operate the Wellness & cosmetology Studio on suitable commercial terms.
The detailed scope of work shall be mentioned in the Tender document.
- Eligibility Criteria
To participate in this tender process, the bidder should have the following eligibility;
The Bidder (Individual entity or a consortium) should have experience of undertaking consultancy assignments (market assessment, feasibility studies and operating model blueprint, business plan) for Wellness & Beauty/Cosmetology clinics with presence in at least 2 major cities (Metros, Bangalore and Hyderabad) The bidder must have project experience in the identification of potential partners in cosmetology segment.
- Tender process
The Tender document will be issued on payment of Rs 2360/-(non refundable) by Cash/ demand draft favoring Cochin International Airport Ltd, Payable at Ernakulam on any working day between 9.30 hours to 16.00 hours (IST) up to 5th April 2024 from the commercial department of Cochin International Airport Ltd. If the bidder is using the soft copy version of the tender document, the bidder need to submit a DD amounting to 2360/- favouring CIAL along with the technical bid.
The tender shall be basically a two bid system comprising the following:
- The Technical bid
- The Financial bid
The Technical bid cover should consist of the following information in the form and manner as set out under (documents to prove eligibility)
- General Information regarding the Bidder including experience.
- Brief Profile of the bidder
- Copy of Certificate of Incorporation/Partnership deed if any
- Copy of PAN and GST Registration
- All pages of this tender document duly signed & sealed
- Letter of Undertaking & Unconditional Acceptance letter
- EMD of Rs 50000/- as bid security
- Experience certificate(Client Certificate) / documents to prove eligibility.
- Tender document fee if any
Only Financial Bids of the technically qualified parties will be opened. The Parties shall submit their financial bid in a separate cover as per the format mentioned in the tender document.
The Bidder shall submit the Sealed tender in one Master envelope and must be marked as – Tender for feasibility study for Development of Wellness Medi Spa & Beauty Clinic at CIAL. It should contain both financial bid and Technical bid (Technical bid should contain all documents mentioned) in separately marked sealed covers placed inside the master envelope.
- Bidding Criteria
The bidders shall quote a lumpsum amount towards feasibility study (including business and operational model analysis) and transaction advisory services. On approval of the feasibility document, an amount of 45% of the lumpsum amount shall be paid to the consultant (detailed in tender document). If CIAL decides to proceed with the project after studying the feasibility report, then CIAL shall engage the same consultant for transaction advisory services to identify a suitable agency from India or abroad to operate the facility on suitable commercial terms.
Tender will be awarded to the bidder who quotes the lowest lumpsum amount towards feasibility study and transaction advisory services.
- Time Schedule
S. No.
Stages of Work
Duration from Commencement Date of the Consultancy
Feasibility (X)
Submission of Draft Feasibility Report
X + 4 Week
Submission of Final Feasibility Report
X + 6 Week
Transaction Advisory (Y)
Submission of Bid Design
Y + 2 Week
Submission of Bidding Documents
Y + 4 Week
Submission of Evaluation Report on the proposals received from Bidders (Timeline may vary depending on bidding schedule fixed by CIAL)
Y + 12 Week
Signing of Definitive Agreement with Successful Bidder (Timeline may vary depending on bidding schedule fixed by CIAL)
Y + 14 Week
For Further details and Tender document, contact Mr. Joseph peter, General Manager (Commercial) @ 9539701512 / 0484 2610115 (Extn: 3507/2619) [email protected] / [email protected] .